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On Camera Basics
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I've been working in television and video production for twenty years. I've been on television, in front of the camera thousands of times in live and taped situations. One of the most frustrating things I have encountered as a producer is painstakingly sitting through take after take from a novice, on-camera talent who thought he/she could just wing it.
On-Camera Basics is designed to teach anyone with the desire, how to prepare and present to a television or video camera. The tips and techniques in this video will give you the foundation that you need to become a successful on camera talent. And with the increasing popularity of internet video as a marketing tool, more and more people are appearing in their own web presentations. This video will enhance your professionalism. Good luck in your quest to become an engaging on-camera presenter!
Rob Mottola,
Things You'll Learn From This Video:- How to format and prepare a video script
- The "Mirror" practice technique
- Pacing & Posture
- Make-up tips (Yes, even for the guys!)
- Clothing dos and don'ts
- To sit or to stand
- All This and More!